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The char is considered as the noblest of fish, and are found in cold oxygen-rich waters, mainly in the mountain lakes but also in the primeval forest ponds and lakes. The char is a strong fish for their size and you can expect an intense battle when you manage to hook one. When you catch it, a tip is to salt it generously right after the catch, also put sugar and dill on it. The char mostly eats insects but also small fish and crustaceans. A common way to fish it in the summer is by trolling. It is also possibly to use ordinary spinners that you pull behind the boat or just throw from the shore. Another exciting method to fish char is dry fly-fishing.  You can test with a small black ”klinkhammer”. It is also possible to fish the char with traditional spin fishing.

You can find char in lakes and ponds with stone or gravel bottom and during the summer it goes to deeper, colder water. With a fly rod you have the highest chance of success in catching one durings the evenings when caddis are active. Since the char have such low satisfaction temperature it is advantageous to fly fish it even in the spring when the days are long and the ice disappears from the lakes outlet. A great lake for trolling for char is Malgomaj in Nordansjö, Malgovik and Strömnäs fishery conservation area.

Contact us in the form below if you have more questions about char fishing in Southern Lapland. You can also reach us by phone: +46 (0)940-107-60.